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Shipping Vehicles from Richmond VA to the West Coast

Once again, people are starting to move West, this time in search of new opportunities, fun adventures, and better weather. One city people are leaving in favor of West Coast destinations is historical Richmond, VA. People leaving Virginia's capital city are moving to popular West Coast destinations like Los Angeles, Seattle, and Denver. But, moving from one coast to another takes a lot of planning, especially if you want to make it a smooth transition. One major part of your big move that requires a great deal of consideration is how you plan on getting your car down there as well. Because who really has the time to go car shopping all over again in a new place? That's where the magic of car shipping comes into play.

Taking Your Car With You

Everyone knows cars are expensive. Between the car payments, the insurance, the gas, and any repairs it may need over time, owning a car can add up. Because of all these costs, once you own a car, you probably don't want to turn around and sell it right away, even if you're moving. Besides that, keeping the same car will save you a lot of time and hassle once you've reached your new destination; all you will have to do is follow the state's procedures to ensure your car is legally registered under your new home.

But, first, you have to move your car from Richmond to Los Angeles or Richmond to Seattle or Richmond to Denver—or from anywhere, really, to your new home. To do that, there are two options people usually consider: driving the car themselves or hiring a car transport broker to ship a car for them.

The Problem With Driving Across the Coast

While it may sound fun, in theory, to pack your entire life up in your and drive from, say, Richmond to Los Angeles, you will probably come to regret it pretty fast. First off, you need to consider the time it takes. The drive from Richmond to Los Angeles can take around 38 hours on average. The drive from Richmond to Seattle is even longer at 44 hours on average. Even the drive from Richmond to Denver, Colorado takes about 25 hours, and those totals don't even take traffic, varying weather conditions, or potential accidents along the way into account, which can really add to overall travel time.

But, it isn’t just the travel time you have to keep in mind when it comes to driving your car, there is also the cost. First off, realistically, there is no way you can make such a long drive in one go. Because of that, you will need to find a few hotels along the way so you can get a good, safe night of sleep during your journey. You also need to take into account the cost of meals, fuel, and any tolls you may have to go through on major highways.

While cars are meant to help us get places, you should avoid putting too much strain on them. Such a long trip—going through various road conditions—can cause unnecessary wear and tear on your car. Meaning, when you reach your new home, you may have to get your car checked and repaired to make sure everything is working properly.

All in all, this makes driving your car to a new place a long, expensive journey.

The Benefits of Car Shipping

Instead of driving the car yourself, your best bet is to hire a car transport broker who can ship a car from places like Richmond to Seattle or Richmond to Denver. By going with a car shipping company, you are eliminating a lot of the added costs. All you will have to do is pay one fee to the company for your car to be taken from one coast to the other; there is no paying for gas, hotels, tolls, or food. That right there should be more than enough reason to find a car transport broker!

When you ship a car, you also have different shipping methods to consider: enclosed car transport and open car transport. Both of these options are great for car shipping, that will ensure your car arrives safely at your new home!

Enclosed car transport is one option for shipping a car. The enclosed option is usually used for sports cars, classic cars, and motorcycles as it offers more protection. This is because with enclosed car transport, the vehicle in question is put into a closed container that keeps it from being exposed to rain, snow, dust, and any road debris that may be passed. While this option can cost more, it is perfect when you want to keep your car as pristine as possible.

On the other hand, there is also open car transport, which is an equally good car shipping option. With open car transport, your car will be placed on the back of a truck designed to transport cars and driven to the final destination. Unlike enclosed car transport, when you use open car transport, your car will be on view for everyone. Meaning, it will also be exposed to the elements and any road debris that may be encountered along the way. Besides all the money you will save, the best part of all of this is the time it takes to ship a car. Whether your route is Richmond to Los Angeles, Richmond to Seattle, or Richmond to Denver, you can expect your car to arrive within 7 to 10 days. Which means you can start exploring the West Coast the moment you arrive!

Moving somewhere new can always be an exciting adventure—even more so when you move across the coast. Instead of driving your car across the country yourself, hire a car transport broke to handle the car shipping for you. Not only will you save time and money, but you will also save your sanity! After all, who really wants to deal with all those people on the road?

Call us for more information in regards to shipping your car to the West coast at 804-955-4917

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